Research Paper Examples: How To Write Research Paper

Our research paper writing service has written example of the research paper structure, which would help the students in the writing process. In addition to article where we answer the question “how to write a research paper”, we also attach an example of a well-written finished work, but you have to remember that this
is a very important academic paper so it has to be original. With self-fulfillment of the thesis, we advise you to use our writing tips.

How to write a research paper example

Writing a thesis is the final stage of preparation of the student in the chosen specialty. That is why teachers are so serious about your final chord studies. In this article we look at the highlights of successful writing and delivery of graduate study.
To select a topic you can use topics available at any department. However, before you choose a theme, it is important to make sure that it contains a sufficient amount of literature. Although many experts recommend at first choose a topic, and only then begin to search for materials, we recommend that students find out if there is enough literature on chosen subject and only then decide what will be the final variant if the topic.

Outline for research paper example

Research paper must include the title page, table of contents, introduction, overview and theoretical and empirical chapters, conclusion and / or conclusions, and a list of references, as well as the application, if necessary. Do not forget to do it like in other MLA format research paper example, with accepted fields, margins and fonts, etc.
The introduction indicated the relevance of the problem to be solved by it aims briefly describes its purpose and objectives, as well as its theoretical and methodological framework is designated genre work. In the case of research paper it is necessarily to formulate its general hypothesis. Also, if possible, set out the theoretical and practical value work.
In research studies, this chapter introduces the reader to the verification procedure of the experimental hypotheses designed to test the truth of the proposed theoretical constructs, and the results obtained here. In methodological studies in which the hypothesis explicitly describes the activities carried out with the help of empirical indicators, verification or improve the reliability and / or the validity of the developed, perfected or comparative methods. In applied research, in which hypotheses are also absent, the procedures performed to address the practical problems, derived from the results. In this case, the chapter also contains an assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.
In all genres of work, this chapter includes a justification of methods used, which contains the answer to why were used by these methods, and what are their advantages over similar.
The content overview and theoretical chapters depends on the genre of the research paper. However, it has a name that adequately reflects its content. In the case of research genre, the chapter is devoted to the consideration of existing in domestic and foreign literature similar problems. The head should adequately reflect the state developed a problem at the time of writing, contain a critique of existing approaches to solving it, an indication of what features of existing approaches do not allow us to consider the problem solved and require its further development. A summary of theoretical perspectives and empirical results of other authors should include meaningful analysis of trends, challenges, author of the work allocated to the illuminated area of research. Showing the "white spots" open the methodological problems of the studies. So you gonna formulate a methodological and theoretical position of the author. An overview and a theoretical part of the work conclude with a summary and a logical transition to the empirical part of the research paper.

The result of writing an overview chapter should be:

explanation of the problem posed in the work,formulation and justification of the theoretical hypotheses of the study, which determines the direction in which to look for a solution formulated problem,setting of common objectives relating both to solve the problem of finding a general theoretical and experimental concrete or other procedures for testing hypotheses research reasonable transition to the empirical part of the work.Empirical or experimental chapter is devoted to the description of the methods and the presentation of the empirical results of the research, methodological or applied work that has done student. This chapter should also have a name that reflects its content.
In research studies, this chapter introduces the reader to the verification procedure of the experimental hypotheses designed to test the truth of the proposed theoretical constructs, and the results obtained here. In methodological studies in which the hypothesis explicitly describes the activities carried out with the help of empirical indicators, verification or improve the reliability and / or the validity of the developed, perfected or comparative methods. In applied research, in which hypotheses are also absent, the procedures performed to address the practical problems, derived from the results. In this case, the chapter also contains an assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.
In all genres of work, this chapter includes a justification of methods used, which contains the answer to why were used by these methods, and what are their advantages over similar.

Description of the methods involves:

description of the tasks that the subjects and the instructions received,characteristics that form the basis for the selection of individual items. These attributes are the quality of the test related to the subject of the study, and their demographic characteristics such as age, education, occupation, length of service, etc.description of any fixed quantity and quality, and how the fixation was made in the course of the study.
In addition to this it is necessary to describe the procedure for the empirical work. After the characteristics of the methods set out the results and explains how to process them, including those used statistical methods. The results of the work must be presented to the reader in understandable way. Primary data are transferred to a human-readable form - graphics or tables that show the quantitative relationships of the data. Furthermore, some primary protocols most indicative for the interpretation of research results can be given in applications.
After the presentation of the results produced their interpretation - an explanation of the meaning of the results obtained in terms of the hypotheses formulated in the work, or teaching, or industrial purposes. It is also necessary to correlate the results with the other available ones. In the absence of meaningful interpretation research work cannot claim to be a positive evaluation.
The main results of the term paper should be fixed in the form of findings and conclusions. They are formulated on the basis of all the work done and the interpretation of the results. There may be mentioned the prospects of further development of the topic. The approximate amount of conclusion 5-10% of the total work.After the conclusion it should be given a list of references. The list includes the regulations; a special scientific and educational literature and other materials used, and shall be organized in accordance with the uniform requirements of bibliographic descriptions of printed works.

Abstract for research paper example

Abstract for research paper – is a kind of companion document, which is applied to the work before actually stitching it to a folder. Such a document should reflect the short form of the problems identified in the chapters on reading which can make a first impression about the specifics of the graduation project.
Requirements for writing abstracts in various universities differ. General act of the obligatory mention: the theme of work, the number of tables and figures found in the structure of the work, the total degree.

Preparing to write annotations:

Be sure to highlight the main provisions of graduate study.
To do this, re-read the work, highlighting the key moments in the narrative. The purpose and methods of achieving it will also include a summary. The provisions specified in order to demonstrate the relevance of the topic of the thesis.

Note the structure of the thesis.

Typically, the structure of the research paper is the introduction, main part, which is divided into several chapters (theoretical and practical), the conclusion, including the findings and generalization. It is extremely important list of references, which reveals the degree of depth study of the material.

The final part of the annotations.

At the end of the annotation usually follows a list of the number found in the work of figures, tables, charts, and other applications. Also be sure to indicate the total amount of the pages.

Writing research paper - it is not simple, so in case you need help, we are always happy to provide it. Our company proposes any educational help, including any writing help. That’s why we offer the free research paper examples. But don’t even try to download free research paper example and sign it with your name, we are sure you know that in research paper should be no plagiarism. That’s why if you are not sure that you are able to write a research paper by yourself, better order it from our professional writers.
In the case of the application of the overview chapter is devoted to a description of the practical difficulties and how to overcome existing to date, including an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Chapters are the result of writing an explanation of the practical difficulties faced by the author, and the allocation of the performance criteria to be met by the possible solutions (including copyright). An overview and a theoretical part of the research paper or term paper should not be secondary, that is, built only on the writings made by someone earlier surveys in the analysis area. Value of view is determined by the fact that it contains new professionals in the field material.
Work should contain your own proposals for the solution of the problem, offered to the students. This piece of work can make a separate chapter of the theoretical and can act as paragraph overview and theoretical chapter.


  1. I have to do 700-900 word research paper a week and I loose my nerve a lot. but trust me, it can be worse... Good luck on your writing though!--I'm sure you need it more than me...

    1. I'm so glad you found it helpful! Thanks for reading.

  2. Hello Susan, I am currently writing a research paper on adolescents being tried as adults. Do you have any valid resources i could use for arguments to extend my research paper to 5 pages?

    1. That sounds like a stance you could definitely defend in a research paper ... just make sure you have some evidence to back it up! Thanks for reading :)


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